
    Safety Security & Safeguards Division (SSSD)

    • Coordination between DAE and relevant agencies dealing with nuclear safety in the country.
    • Addressing issues related to policy formulation for security of all nuclear facilities and materials in India.
    • Authorising export of prescribed substances, prescribed equipment and related technology including control of nuclear related dual use items.
    • Activities related to nuclear security summit process including Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism (GICNT).
    • Negotiating inter-governmental civil nuclear cooperation Agreements concerning peaceful uses of nuclear energy and facilitating their implementation (along with ERD).
    • Negotiation and implementation of Civil Nuclear Cooperation agreements with multilateral agencies like IAEA, NSG etc., (along with ERD).
    • IAEA Safeguards implementation including Nuclear Material Accounting and Control of safeguarded nuclear facilities and materials in the country.
    • Implementation of domestic safeguards for nuclear facilities not under IAEA Safeguards.
    • Facilitating International Cooperation for GCNEP along with ERD.