
FAQs Version 2.0 on CLND Act 2010

The Department of Atomic Energy, as the Department administering the Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage Act 2010 hereby issues FAQ Version 2.0 with a view to inform about updates in respect of some questions included in the FAQs issued in February 2015 and to provide clarification on some other pertinent questions. FAQ Version 2 coexists with the FAQs issued in February 2015 and does not intend to either replace it or modify it, except in respect of the questions updated

A. CLND Act: Genesis and main features

It has been enacted with a view to provide prompt compensation to the victims for damage caused by a nuclear incident through a no-fault liability regime.

The Act was also meant to facilitate India becoming a State Party to CSC.

B. CLND Act and CSC

The objective of the 1997 Convention on Supplementary Compensation for Nuclear Damage (CSC) is to establish a worldwide liability regime and to increase the amount of compensation available to the victims of nuclear accidents. A State which is a party to either the 1963 Vienna Convention or the 1960 Paris Convention could become a party to the CSC. A State which is not a party to either of these conventions could also become a party to the CSC if its national law on nuclear liability is in compliance with the provision of the CSC and its Annex, which is an integral part of the CSC.

India not being party to the Vienna or the Paris Conventions signed the CSC on 29 October 2010 on the basis of its national law namely the CLND Act and ratified it on 4th February 2016 and has become a State Party to the CSC.

C. Operator’s Liability

The Act provide for the definition of operator, “operator, in relation to a nuclear installation, means the Central Government or any authority or corporation established by it or a Government company who has been granted a licence pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act, 1962 (33 of 1962) for the operation of that installation”

D. Amount of Liability, compensation etc

Section 6(1) of the CLND Act presently prescribes that the maximum amount of liability in respect of each nuclear incident shall be the rupee equivalent of three hundred million

Special Drawing Rights (SDRs). As the current value of 1 SDR is about Rs 105.5658, three hundred million SDRs are equivalent to about Rs 3166.97 crores.

E. Applicability of Article 46

Section 46 of the CLND Act provides that “the provisions of this Act shall be in addition to, and not in derogation of, any other law for the time being in force, and nothing contained herein shall exempt the operator from any proceeding which might, apart from this act, be instituted against such operator”. It is a general provision to preserve the application of other law, if any, in respect of the ‘operator’. In fact, there is no other law on civil nuclear liability.

The language in section 46 of CLND Act 2010 is similar to such language in several other legislations such as Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) Act, 1997; The Electricity Act, 2003; Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) Act, 1992; and Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority Act, 1999. Such language is provided to underline that other relevant laws continue to be operable in their respective domains.

F. Supplier related issues/ Right of Recourse of the Operator

This is explained in Rule 24 of the CLND Rules, which says that ‘supplier’ shall include a person who:

(i) manufactures and supplies, either directly or through an agent, a system, equipment or component or builds a structure on the basis of functional specification; or

(ii) provides build to print or detailed design specifications to a vendor for manufacturing a system, equipment or component or building a structure and is responsible to the operator for design and quality assurance; or

(iii) provides quality assurance or design services.

A detailed examination of the above formulation indicates that ‘the system designer and technology owner’ is the supplier. Accordingly, NPCIL has taken the role of supplier for PHWRs being set up by it and this is clearly indicated in the General Conditions of Contract.

NPCIL or any other operator may look to set up a reactor based on design specifications selected by them and a vendor, who designs the system and owns technology for setting up a reactor and integrates the complete reactor, will be the supplier. ‘The system designer and technology owner’ will invariably source supplies from several vendors. However, according to Rule 24, he has the role of the supplier on behalf of all vendors and can state this explicitly in the general conditions of contract as has been done by NPCIL with regard to PHWRs.

G. Non-applicability of Section 46 to Supplier

The provision has no mention of ‘supplier’, and so is ‘operator specific’.

This section applies exclusively to the operator and does not extend to the supplier is confirmed by the Parliamentary debates at the time of the adoption of this Act. It may be noted that the CLND Bill was adopted by a vote. During the course of the vote on various clauses of the Bill, amendments to make Section 46 applicable to Supplier were brought in by Hon’ble Members of Parliament in both the Houses of Indian Parliament viz. Rajya Sabha, the Upper House and the Lok Sabha, the Lower House, which were put for voting and negatived. Hence, no reference is found to the Supplier in the above clause. [Annex B]

A provision that was expressly excluded from the statute cannot be read into the statute by interpretation. It is well-settled principle of law that every statute is to be interpreted in accordance with the intention of the legislature or maker of the Statute.

H. India Nuclear Insurance Pool

GIC Re in association with 11 domestic Non-Life insurance companies has formed India Nuclear Insurance Pool (INIP), a risk transfer mechanism, by participating in a pool arrangement by contributing their capacities to underwrite nuclear liability exposures through a designated policy issuing direct insurance. The Total Capacity of the Pool is Rs. 1500 Cr. INIP covers the risks of the liability of the nuclear operator under Section 6(2) of the CLND Act and of the suppliers under Section 17 (a) and (b) of the CLND Act.