
    DAE Technology Transfer Activities

    Various units of DAE are engaged in research in frontier areas of science and technology with the objective of generating knowledge and techniques for nuclear power production, advancement of nuclear science, laser, accelerator and plasma technologies, use of radioisotopes in industry, health and agriculture. Due to restrictions on acquiring certain technologies, DAE has successfully developed many of the technologies needed for its program indigenously. In the process, a lot of know-how spin-offs have been evolved, which are available for transfer to industry.

    The aim of technology sharing is to make India self-reliant in technology and transform these technologies into deployable products and processes for both industry and society. The strength and confidence gained by developing its own technologies also facilitates access to international technology with greater autonomy.

    DAE has been licensing know-how of these spin-off technologies for the past forty years and currently has over 250 technologies listed for Transfer of Technologies (ToT). Over 800 licenses have been issued to about 600 different transferees in the industrial and rural sector. Many products have been commercialized and added value to Indian industries.

    Recently, four Atal Incubation Centres (AICs) have been established at various DAE units (BARC Mumbai, IGCAR Kalpakkam, RRCAT Indore, and IPR Gandhinagar) to translate DAE technologies, expertise, and know-how into market-driven products and processes through collaborations with industries, with a special focus on startups.

    Here’s a more detailed look at the technology translation activities at various DAE units:


    BARC has advanced research and development for covering the entire spectrum of nuclear science, chemical engineering, material sciences and metallurgy, electronic instrumentation, biology and medicine, supercomputing, high-energy physics and plasma physics and associated research. ATAL incubation centre (AIC-BARC) has been established to nurture a vibrant and sustainable technology translation ecosystem.

    BARC also has an AKRUTI program wherein rural and village development are envisaged with technologies which are beneficial to society. This include setting of AKRUTI centres at rural areas wherein rural entrepreneurs are being developed. BARC provides various collaboration in design and training as well as infrastructure sharing under the Consultancy & Service program.Technologies developed at BARC and available to Indian industries/ startups are listed at technology.html


    IGCAR Kalpakkam has a broad-based multidisciplinary programme of scientific research and advanced engineering development, directed towards the establishment of the technology of Sodium Cooled Fast Breeder Reactors (FBR) and associated fuel cycle facilities in the Country. During this R&D pursuit, IGCAR has developed many spin-off technologies and expertise that are relevant to the industries and society in areas such as sensors for various applications, measurement devices, robotics, thermal imaging devices, health & safety, new materials, automation of instruments and processes, etc. The details about the various activities being carried at IGCAR through AIC-IGCAR is available at


    RRCAT is engaged in R & D in non-nuclear front line research areas of Lasers, Particle Accelerators, related technologies and applications. RRCAT has developed expertise in the areas of RF-superconductivity, low-temperature physics, ultra-high vacuum, material science, bio-photonics, cold atom physics, non-linear optics, opto-electronics, nano-science, micro-electro-mechanical systems, additive manufacturing, etc. AIC π-Hub has been established at RRCAT to nurture a vibrant and sustainable technology translation ecosystem for advanced and globally competitive photonic and allied technologies. More details about the technology translation activities of AIC π-Hub are available at


    IPR has been working on several societal and industrial applications of plasma technology and associated knowhow related to power supplies, data acquisition, software development, Artificial Intelligence/deep learning, simulation & code development activities, materials science, superconducting magnets & cryogenics, dissimilar metal joining etc. Such activities have been done through various collaborating organizations such as public and private industries, Govt. organizations, PSUs, academic organizations etc. for addressing various societal and industrial problems using available expertise/technologies at IPR. More details about the various activities are available at


    VECC is established to carry out research in experimental nuclear physics, radiation damage studies and isotope production for research and nuclear medicine. The centre became a national facility with full-fledged design and development facilities for mechanical engineering, power electronics, RF engineering and computation. More details about VECC technologies translation activities are available at